Saturday, February 28, 2015

arduino robot

Very capable dual arduino platform, with display and lots of mounting points. Integral Compass too. 

Rafael and Leonardo

Netduino vs Fez
Both on turtle frames, lotsa sonar, ir, and nifty Ir beacons.  One tries to evade, other pursues. 

Both work, but netduino is disappointing to work with by comparison. 

Also some nifty terminal blocks and aluminum beam stuff. 


Pi, claw, sonar , gertboard, servo and motor control board. 
Then a dfrover chassis. 
Gertboard, lcd. 
Actbotics servo block. 
Wifi on pi. 
Switched to wheels to improve turning. 
Omni wheel to Really improve turning. 
Bumper switches. 

Controlled via hand held wifi controller.  Controller has integral uno. 

Plan to let pi run it, and add pi camera. 


Nice low cost kit. 

And the drones begin...

3DR hexacopter.  
Then the crashes...
Reconfigured as Y6. 
More crashes...
And rebirth as tru Y6:
Ground station
Gimbal and gopro
With the family

Sumo bot

Built a couple of these.  One of em has wifi and remote control. This one avoids lines. 

Sprinkler buildout

We had a contest at work...
Prototyping display, relays, and  Fez panda. 
Laying out enclosure. 
Strips, buttons, display.  All 16 stations have hand/off/auto switched. 
Gotta have the Dr Strangelove arming button. Provides relay coil power. 
I won. 

Wild thumper, Raspberry pi

Wild Thumper chassis, six motors, independent suspension. 
Seriously nasty motor controller, charger, and nimh batt. 
Made a prototype follower using two sonars.  Have yet to put it on thumper.   Uses PID control. 
Enter the PI
Currently, pi not used.  Using Futaba radio control, fpv camera, and gopro.