Monday, December 29, 2014

Df robot rover.

Tamiya Rover from dfrobot.  With bluetooth and IR following head. Thus ine sends a lot if telemetry to a laptop running processing. 
home made encoder wheel. 
with monster truck and mini hex. 

First Robot

Grandson's monster RC truck outfitted with speed encoder (magnet taped to wheel), Ping sonar, leds and buzzer. Using Arduino Uno and prototyping board.  Uses servo to spin sonar and pick best path. Drives autonomously, avoiding obstacles. 
Uses Arduino motor control board. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014


So this is where I'll be posting some of the details about various robots and drones I've built and/or destroyed. here's a taste more to follow.

This is a sprinkler controller powered by Fez Panda programmed in C-sharp using Microsoft Visual Studio light and visual C Microframe work. It can be addressed via Wifi telnet or programmed from the local display. It controls 12 stations and waters intermittently at two minute bursts for total duration set by the user.